Thursday, February 15, 2007

Brendon D. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:Crispin The Cross of Lead

Crispin, a young boy who's mother just died, is running away from his old village,Stromford,because John Aycliffe,a "crazy" steward of a lord's manor,put up a reward for Crispin's capture.
As he was running away from his village he found a village that was destroyed by the great plague,in it was a torn down church, in that was a man Crispin described as "a mountain of flesh,"," a great barrel of a fellow,"... who's arms and legs were as thick as tree limbs,","and with a tubike belly before all."

Anonymous said...


The fat man Crispin found in the church had bread that he wanted.Crispin reached for the bread, only to have his arm grabbed by the man.
After that Crispin had to make an oath in the name of God or be killed.He got the bread, went as far away from the man as he could(without leaving the building),and ate knowing he was now owned by the man.
After a while the man asked a question Crispin could not answer.the man yelled at him with his booming voise,then asked "do you not laugh, without laughter life is nothing."