Thursday, February 15, 2007

Celeste R. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title: His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut
Author: Dorothy Sharp Carter

Some far I have read that Hatshepsut and her servent were talking about make-up. Hatshepsut was pulling a prank on her servent saying that she did't like the wat that she did not like the way that she did her make-up and that she mad her look like a dancing girl. Than she told her that it was just a joke and she thought Hatshepsut hated her. Her other servent said she could have her other servent's hands cut off or she could be torched in some kind of way. While doing her make-up she was talking about how Amon-re was coming and how great he is. She said that she wishes that she could do something great for Egypt when she gets older.

I predict that Hatshepsut will either get into some kind of trouble or that she will meet a boy.

Anonymous said...

Title: His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut
Author: Dorothy Sharp Carter
Pages: 30-46

Now I have learned that Isis was with a concubine and he somehow got very sick and died. He hesatated to tell his wife what had happen but before he died he fessed up. While waiting to hear from him Hatshepsut and Isis Talked about how her husband got very sick when he was drunk and it always lasted at least two days.
Hatshepsut talked about she was pampered and got anything that she wanted when ever she wanted.
She said that she hated beeing royal because she thinks that you are treated the same no matter if you are rich or poor. She believes that she has more to do than poor people when she rules.

I predict that something is going to go wrong with Hatshepsut or she is going to get soming important done.

Anonymous said...

Title: His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut
Author: Dorothy Sharp carter
Pages: 20-30

Forgetting to put this blog down I know remeber that Hatshepsut was talking about how she wanted to do something great like Amon the Pharoh. She was getting ready for an ouncment or gathering of people to welcome Amon to Speak at this assembly. Hatshepsut was beeing dressed with gold and hudge necklaces. Flowing, expensive Dress to stand in front of everyone to to give a speech at this get together.

I predict that something surprising, yet sad will happen to or near Hatshepsut.

Anonymous said...

Tilte: His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut
Author: Dorothy Sharp Carter

Now Isis is trying to deciede how to deal with the pharoh her (husband's) death. She doesn't know what he wanted his tomb to be like because he died at such a young age. She cried as he got carried down the dark steps to be mummified. She will take care of the furnishering and decoration of his tomb. Hatshepsut is again talking about how she thinks that men have a better free life than women. She thinks that All the have to do is wrestle, swim, race, and whine just because they have to handle the hores and chariots. Nefrure was asking questions about the underworld. She wanted to know if her father would make it to the underworld and what would happen if, and if he didn't. If he would make it he would have a free time to live like a bird flying freely. If he did not make than he would be eaten by a horrible monster with a crocidile head.

I predict that something will go wrong with the Pharoh's tomb.

Anonymous said...

This is andrew reynolds speaking to you and the class.Im down here in california.see ya!