Thursday, February 15, 2007

Michael D. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Lost in the Labbrynth
By:Patrice Kindl
There is a daughter of a queen that has 8 other brothers and sisters one of which is mean to this daughter
I predict that the daughter will eventually stand up to her mean sister

Anonymous said...

Lost in the Labrynth
by:Ptrice Kindl
The Princess Xeodicelost her brother who died in honey.The mother ordered a seer too bring him back to life .The seer didnt know what to do but he kiled a sacred snake and another one came to bring it back to life and seeing this effect the seer used the herb that gives life on the boy and brings him back to life.The arrival of the Atenian slaves has come.The Festival of bulls were the womens dresses showed off their breasts(interesting concept).Then Daedalus asked the queen if he could fight the strongest bull which is her son.
I predict that the bull may win with injuries or die

Anonymous said...

Lost in the Labyrinth
Xeionidices sister sister got pregnant by the man that challenged their brother. They plan to break him out of jail
My prediction is that they will not succeed.