Thursday, February 15, 2007

Michelle C. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title: The Conch Bearer
Athor: Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Pages: 1-6

Summery: In the story a boy, Anand , dad to move away form the family to get a job. Whail his dad is away they try to write to him but he does not write back. The family is afraid that he is dead.
His sister gets really sick so they must use all their money on her. Anand is a servant for the rich ruler.

I belive that there dad will end up dead.
Alias, Busteroony

Anonymous said...

Title: The Conch Bearer
Author: Hitra Banerjee Divakarni
Pages: 7-24

Summery: Whail Anand was working he got a tea break. He saw a poor man and dicied to give his tea to the old man. At the end of his shift, he got payed. Anand went to the market and got a mongo. When he walked home in the complete darkness he felt he was being followed, but was scared to look back. Anand began to run but triped and droped the mango. He left the mango and ran inside. His mom had left and would not be home untill late. His sister had been waiting. He was scared and was breathing deeply. he calmed him self untill he herd a scraching at the door with a metal stick. it was theold man that he had given the tea to. He let him in and began to cook dinner and the man began to tell a story.

Prediction: I belive that the story being told will and up to be a hude adventure!

Anonymous said...

Title: The Conch Bearer
Author: Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Pages: 24-31

Summary: The old man stars telling his story. It was about the magic conch. The owner of the conch was very old and is about to die. The old mans is afrad that some poeple might end up with the conch and take over the power of it. So the man wants Anand to go with him to get it before it gets in to the wrong hands.

I belive that Anand will and up going with him.

Anonymous said...

Character Sketch:
The main character in my story is Anand. Anand is a 12 year-old boy who lives in the Hamilayan mountains in India. He lives with his mom and sister in the lower class. He cares for them greatly but can be selfish at times. Anand is adventures but is a scardy cat when it comes to walking home from working for a rich guy that pays Anand poorly. He wears a torn shirt and shorts and on occasion a thin pancho.

Anonymous said...

The Conch Bearer
Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni

When Anands mom gets home, she doesn't beleive what she sees but says Anand may go. He goes to the place where the old man said to meet. There a homeless, sweeper girl tells him that the old man, Abhaydatta, has left and where he would be. The girl begs to go with him because she told him where he would be. Anand gave in and they were on their way. On the way they would have to catch a train to go to the meeting point. They tryed to sneek on the train but Anand got caut by the ticket cheaker. Anand remembered what the girl had told him that The Abhaydatta said that things aren't what they seem as an old man walked up and handed a ticket to Anand and clams that Anand is his nephew. Anand thought maybe it was Abhaydatta but it wasn't. It was the man, Surabhanu, who wanted to steal the conch from the Abhaydatta who was going w/Anand to return it to the owner. As soon as they raeched the next station they got off the train as soon as posible to excape from Surabhanu.

I Belive that Abhaydatta will be mad that the girl came along.

Anonymous said...

The Conch Bearer
Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Anand and the girl look for Abhay- datta but can't, so they get a drink from a well. Whe they turn back to keep looking they find him leaning into a tree. Abhaydatta was not to med that the girl had came and gave her the name Nisha. they left to catch a bus that would take them to the bottem of the hill that they would have to hike up.
The bus ride was very long. the town they arived in was not the final stop untill the hike, but had stay at a motel.

Anonymous said...

The Conch Bearer
Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni

They stayed in an old motel. An old man walked out and invited them in to stay. The next morning they left to start their hike up the hill that lead to a cave. In the cave they set up a camp and fire. Through out the night one of the people would have to stay up through out out part of the to keep watch for Surabhanu.
On Anand's shift, Surabhanu came to the opening of the cave as a sprit and took Abhaydatta.
I think that Nisha and Anand will find Abhaydatta.

Anonymous said...

The Conch Bearer
hitra Banerjee Divakaruni

After Anand and Nisha left, they reached the river. they could not go acrossed it because for some powers that held them back.

I believe that the Conch will have to help them acrossed.

Anonymous said...

The Conch Bearer

The author of The Conch Bearer is Hitra Banerjee Divakaruni. This book takes place high in the Himalayan Mountains in India with rivers and high caves that Anand, a 12-yaer-old boy, Nisha, a sweeper girl, and Abahaydatta; a master healer must stay to hide from the evil Surabhuna.
In this time period, in the early 1900’s, there were very poor cities and people such as the village Kolkata in which the story takes place. Kolkata is home to dingy shakes in less than desirable neighborhoods as the author describes. Up in the Himalayan Mountains lies the silver valley which has natures treasures that lie carelessly and scattered flowers on the high meadows. The Himalayas are on the northern part of India.
The main character Anand is a12 year old boy with a big hart. Some of his actions are believable such as when he becomes selfish and doesn’t want the sweeper girl to go on the adventure. Also some of his actions aren’t believable. If some one was hurt that you loved you wouldn’t leave them for love or money but Anand did so he could return the conch.
The Conch Bearer was a wonderful book full of adventure and suspense. It went beyond the imagination to great heights. I would recommend The Conch Bearer to anyone.