Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mackenzie K. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:The Baboon King
Author:Anton Quintana
Summary:So far there is a leopard and it keeps attacking villages. When the leopard went after a calf one of the village men went after the leopard and then the leopard killed the man. So the village people are going to go after the leopard and try to kill it but at first they wern't going to try and kill the leapord cause it was against there religion.

I predict that there going to find and kill the leapord.

Anonymous said...

title:The Baboon King
Author:Anton Quintana
summary: The village people couldn't kill the leopard so they set out for a man who could.This man was Morengari. Morengari is a man who is not welcome in any of the villages. He sets out to find the leopard after bargening with the people about what he should get paid in retern he got two cows.
When he got to the spot were the tiger was he hit it with a spear that was poisened. That poisen makes you feel sleepy to the point that you can't even stand up but it takes the poisen a while to kick in. So the man hand to chase the leopard tell he fell dead. Well when he gets back to the village he tells the story of how his parents were from two diferent tribes.
Do you think that Morengari will be welcome in the village since he killed the leopard.

Anonymous said...

Title: The Baboon King
Author: Anton Quintana
Pages: 62-70
Summary: Morengari is from two different villages his moms from the Kikuyu people and his dads from the Masai people. Well when he was living with the Masia people they were throwing a party to let the harvest begin. He didn’t feel he should go to the party so he stayed in his hut and got really drunk. He went out in the middle of the dance floor and laid down and fell asleep. Some people took him back to his house.

Question: do you think they will accept him now?

Anonymous said...

Title: The Baboon King
Author: Anton Quintana
Pages: 70-80
Summary: After the people took Morengaru was taken back to his hut. He had a dream about when he went to go kill his first lion. They only kill lions for a trophy so they will get there group spear. While they were killing the lion Morengaru grabbed the lion’s tale and the lion started shaking his tale and he still hung on. After they killed the lion Morengaru was reworded with his own spear.

Question: don’t you think since he got his spear he would have been accepted.

Anonymous said...

title:The Baboon King
Author:Anton Quintana
Summary: When he woke up from his dream a few of his friends were going to pull a prank on him. The prank was to take the lion that Morengaru had killed and have it huvering over his bed and when he would wake up he would be scared.
When he woke up he was scared but he went for his spear thinking he was under attacke and ended up killing his friend.His punisment was to be band from the village. When he left the village he had to go has far away as possible and never come back.

I predict that he will get lonely out there.

Anonymous said...

Title: The Baboon King
Author:Anton Quintana
Character description

My main character in my story is Morengaru. Morengaru is a small black man that is not very good looking. My character just wants to fit in he doesn’t fit in because his mom is a Kikuyu and his dad is Masia. His mom was sold to the Masia and then they had Morengaru that’s why he doesn’t fit in. Some people in that live in the tribe with him think he’s as fast as a lion or they say he a night hawk. He his very tall and He has skin like a snake. He doesn’t like to sleep that’s why people call him a night hawk. If I had to choose I think his greatest strength would be hunting because he stays out all day and hunts. HE will come back with sun burnt skin and wont even care. His greatest weakness his making friends he is really bad at making friends nobody even wants to be his friend because they think he doesn’t belong. The only friend he had he accidentally killed. Morengaru also carries his moran spear around with him every ware.

There is a 188 words

Anonymous said...

Title: The Baboon King
Author: Anton Quintana
Pages: 102-131
Summary: When Morengaru Finally found a spot to live a whole bunch of baboons came. The king baboon in the end Morengaru won but he was knocked out. When he woke up it appeared that he was in a hollowed out tree. Then a baboon came in. Morengaru dozed again. When he woke up he was all better and his wounds had cleared. He finally came out of the tree and there was a hole bunch of baboons. They welcomed him like he was a baboon. Morengaru ended up living with the baboons. He could tell by the baboons barks what they were saying like a low bark was a greeting.
Predict: I think since he killed there king that he was the new king

Anonymous said...

Title: The Baboon King
Author: Anton Quintana
Summary: After a while living with the baboon's Morengaru started feeling more and more comfortable around them. Like they would start to play. They even let him go hunting. Then the oldest baboon in in the baboon gain started protecting Morengaru and didn't let any body bother him hes like Morengaru's dad.

Question: Do you think Morengaru likes the old baboon as a dad figure.

Anonymous said...

Anton Quintana wrote the book the Baboon King. The story takes place in east central Africa. The main character of the book is Morengaru. His mom is Kikuyu and his dad is Masai. Since his parents are from different ethnicities and that causes him a lot of problems in life.
The civilization in which Morengaru lives is the Masai which is his mom’s tribe. They are very religious civilization for instance they celebrate the day that the crops grow with dancing all night long, eating allot of food and praying. As the book say’s the Masai believed that all cows belonged to them. They also send children 12 and up out to be a Moran which if there a Moran they can’t livbe with there family until there 32and your part of the warriors class. My book was true.
The character Morengaru is a very energetic boy but he can be very shy at the same time. One thing my character has done is accidentally kill one of his friends but it wasn’t his fault because his friend had snick up on him and Morengaru got scared and reached for his spear and killed his friend. Another thing he has done is stand up to a baboon when he was getting threatened they ended up fighting and the outcome of the fight was the baboon dieing. The last thing interesting Morengaru has done is kill a giant black leopard by making a net out of weeds and bark. When he caught the leopard the baboons and Morengaru killed it.
The baboon King is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s not like any other book I’ve ever read because who wrights about a boy living with baboons. I really like the book because it’s really fun and it never gets boring also it’s mostly true but then it has that fiction to make it fun. I recommend you read this book.