Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Shauna O. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Shauna...I need to see some work. Remember, you need a total of 6 blogs to complete this assignment.

Anonymous said...

Title:Adam of the road
Author:Elizabeth Janet Gray
Pages read:1-36

Summary:Adam and Perkin were going to see Nick,Perkin wanted to watch the wrestling match.When Adam seen Nick he dropped to his knees.Nick plunged into his arms and toppled him over.

stradegy:I think that after Adam vists Nick that him and Perkin are going to watch the wrestling match.

Anonymous said...

Title: Adam of the Road
Author: Elizabeth Janet Gray

Summary: adam went to curch with some of his friends.After church adam went looking in the great stables for his father.

Stadegy: i think that when adam finds his father that he will go vist adam will play his harp.

Anonymous said...

Title: Adam of the Road
Author: Elizabeth Janet Gray

Summary:the people in the carriage picked up Adam, Nick, and Perkin when they got into the carriage adam found Nick sleeping on him.

Stradegy: I think that the people in the carriage are going to kidnap Adam,Perkin, and Nick.

Anonymous said...

Title:Adam of the road
Author:Elizabeth Janet Gray

Summary:Adam starts to feel lonely because Nick hangs around other people.

Stradegy: i think that adam will get mad at Nick and start to get very upset.

Anonymous said...

Gray, Elizabeth Janet
Adam of the road
Puffin books
New York

The title of my book is Adam of the road. It was written by Elizabeth Janet Gray. The setting of my book is in a very small town in England. The main character is Adam Quartermayne and his dog Nick a red spaniels.

The author’s description of the setting is that it is a very harsh and small town. Were Adam lives everyone is in poverty? No one has very good paying jobs. It is a very harsh town because there houses are not stabled enough so during any bad weather there houses could all collapse.

Adam loves to take very long and dangerous adventures with his dog nick. Adam likes to play with nick on a rainy day. Adam loves to play the harp on there long adventures. Adams actions are very believable.

I think that Adam of the road is a very great book to read. I liked this book because Adam is an adventurous person like me.


Shauna O