Thursday, February 15, 2007

Samantha P. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Publishied by,Coward Mc Cann
Published in Puffin Book 1985
Author:Eloiose Jarvis McGraw
Title:Mara, daughter of the Nile.

Summary:The adventures of an ingenous Egyptian slave girl who undertakes a dangerous assingement as a spy in the royal palace of Thebes in the days when queen Hatshepsut ruled.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mara,daughter of the Nile.
Author:Eloiose Jarvis McGraw.

Summary:So far it has nothing to do with Mara,but here is what is happening now.A man is looking out a window and is complaining about queen hatshepsut to one of his comrades,and soon realizes that when you do that you will be hung.So he tells his comrade that he didn't mean it,he is hoping that his comrade isn't a spy because there are spies all over,since Queen Hatshepsut ruled.

Anonymous said...

Still,it has nothing to do with Mara,but this is the story.The nan who was looking out of the window is Neko,the man who was complaining about Queen Hatshepsut.The reason why he was complaining about her was because she didn't like the fact that there was old torn down buildings in Egypt so she decided to rebuild every building in Egypt.

Anonymous said...

Neko is furious that Queen Hatsepsut was rebuilding every building in Egypt,so he calls Mara to sneak into the palace and overthrough her.Mara, against her will is forced to do that because she is a slave and has to do whatever Neko tells her to do.

Anonymous said...

Mara is miserable. She is afraid that she will be caught in the palace because there are a lot of guards in the palace.then again she is learning great skills in the palace.She wants to stop and go home but she koow she can't.Mara just has to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mara,daughter of the Nile.
Author:Eloise Jarvis McGraw.

It now has something to do with Mara.Mara is in the garden picking carrots and then her master yells at her for stuffing some under her dress.Mara walks away turning back and giving her master a dirty look while she isn't looking.She is so happy her master didn't check to see if Mara put all of the carrots back so Mara hapily walks over to her friend and gives her a carrot.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mara,daughter of the Nile.
Author:Eloise Jarvis McGraw.

Mara had been wanddering in a croud when she seen a baker boy with honey cakes in a basket on his head.She wanted a few becase her master, Zasha, never fed her.Mara thoght up a plan.She sped around a courner and perposly ran into him.His basket nocked over and she quikly grabbed some honey cakes and stuffed them into her sash.Thankfully, he didn't notice.She said sorry and happily waled away;what she didn't know was that someone was watching her.