Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ryun P. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:Men of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Myles, an eight year old boy, witnesses the death of Sir John Dale.Myles and his family decide to move to Crosbey-Dale from Falworth Castle.Myles goes to a school and learns the ways of the warrior.Myles then finishes his 16th year of school and leaves town to start his own life.

Strategy:I predict that Myles will get caught up in some event and be inlisted into an army.

Anonymous said...

Title:Men of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Summery:Myles arrives at a Devlen Castle. He is inrolled as a squire
and makes a friend with another squire named Francis Gascoyne. Myles starts his training as a squire. He is trained in the feild of swordsman. His teacher, Sir James,critisizes Myles of his skills as a swordsman and tells Myles to strike him. Reluctantly, Myles does as he is told and strikes Sir James. Myles is easily knocked to the ground. It seems Myles needs a lot more training.

Strategy: I predict that Myles becomes a great knight and fights in a war and somehow Sir James gets killed.

Anonymous said...

Title:Men of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Everyone is surprised that Myles fought Sir James in combat. The older squires set up a bathing system that the new squires can't use. Myles and his friend, Francis are the ones that carry three buckets of water for the bath every morning and Myles is starting to revolt.

Strategy: I predict that Myles will become so angry with the older squires that he starts a fight.

Anonymous said...

Title:Men of Iron
Author: Howard Pyle

Myles gets in a fight with one of the elder squires. He is told by the head squire that his father was an outlaw. Myles was then made an esquire, or an advanced squire. Myles and Francis find a tower made by a past king and decide to enter it after it as been deserted for over 100 years. Myles and Francis then declare it their tower.

Strategy: I predict that Myles and Francis get in trouble for being in the tower without permission.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mn of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Myles and Francis hang out in the tower to kill time. on day Myles, Francis, and another squire named Wilkes see a boy that was crying. The boy then tells them that he was beaten by an elder squire and Myles is very angry. Myles then sets up an assembly with the other younger squires. This assembly was made to stop the cruel things that the elder squires were doing. Myles then gathers most of the squires at the tower that Myles and Francis found to set up debates. The last debate that they had was to "go to war" with any elder squire that was cruel to a younger squire.

Strategy: I predict that all the squires, including the elder ones, will get into a lot of trouble for being in a fight.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mn of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Myles and Francis hang out in the tower to kill time. on day Myles, Francis, and another squire named Wilkes see a boy that was crying. The boy then tells them that he was beaten by an elder squire and Myles is very angry. Myles then sets up an assembly with the other younger squires. This assembly was made to stop the cruel things that the elder squires were doing. Myles then gathers most of the squires at the tower that Myles and Francis found to set up debates. The last debate that they had was to "go to war" with any elder squire that was cruel to a younger squire.

Strategy: I predict that all the squires, including the elder ones, will get into a lot of trouble for being in a fight.

Anonymous said...

Title:Men of Iron
Author:Howard Pyle

Myles gets in a fight with an elder squire and the elder squire almost dies from the sword fight. Two years later Myles enters a sacred garden and meets two young ladies of the royal family. The youngest one, Lady Alice, becomes Myles lady. Myles then gets in trouble with the king for being in the sacred garden. Myles sends a letter to Lady Alice and is called to the king's quaters to have a talk.

Strategy: I predict that Myles will have the talk with the king and later will still go to the sacred garden and get into even more trouble.

Anonymous said...

Ryun Boyles
Mr. Joachim
P. 5 7th

Pyle, Howard. Men of Iron. Airmont Books, New York, 1965.

Men of Iron is a very action-packed, adventurous story by author Howard Pyle. This story takes place in Devlen Castle, England in the 1400’s. This story is about Myles Falworth who is struggling to become a man-at-arms.

Literature and art are a major thing in England. Architecture was big because of the castles and chapels. People who were not nobles in this time lived in shacks and were almost never clean. The government is a kind of dictatorship were a king rules. A lot got done but whither or not it got done right is a different story.

Myles Falworth has done many things in this book. He has been in a sword duel with another squire, and he climbed over a wall of a sacred garden and was caught and thrown into the dungeon for a week. Both of these are believable to have happened during this time because kids got into many quarrels and being in a none public area is against the law.

To sum up I thought Men of Iron was a good book. I think this because the story is very interesting and the book was full of action and adventure. I would definitely recommend this book to people who like old English stories.