Thursday, February 15, 2007

Matt M. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

So far as I am reading this book the teacher is very mean.Xantippus is the mean teacher he yells at the kids if they talk or he makes them clean someting like statues. These two kids hate eachother because one of their dads is one of a very rich senators,and the other one is a war manager who just lost a very important war. The two kids got into a fight after Caius called Rufus' dad a coward because his dad just lost the war. So the teacher pulled them apart and made them both clean statues after school.

I predict that they will become friends. Also according t the books title there is probably going to be something to detect like a crime scene or something like that. Someone probably is gonna die or get lost.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

The kids Rufus and Caius stayed in after school washing statues until the teacher came out. The teacher finally wanted to know who started the fight. Then he found that Rufus put "Caius is a dumbell" on the wall. So Rufus got kicked out of school. Then the boy Rufus runs out of school and then he sits in a whine barrel until the servants come and pick him up.

I predict Rufus will go missing. Also Caius will probably search for him and at the end he will probably find him, and they will live happily ever after.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

The latest news in this book is that somebody wrote "Caius is a dumbell" on the holy emperor's temple wall. Then earlier that day before that happened Xantippus was tied up and gagged inside his wardrobe and he was missin to mathematics books. So the kids thought the Rufus did it but he has been sick that day with a cold so it couldnt have been him.So then they think that Caius wrote it to get Rufus in trouble but it is not his handwriting. Thats it

I predict that they will find the culprit who wrote "Caius is a dumbell." Then i was wrong with my other predictions because noone died and noone got lost.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

The latest news in this book is that somebody wrote "Caius is a dumbell" on the holy emperor's temple wall. Then earlier that day before that happened Xantippus was tied up and gagged inside his wardrobe and he was missin to mathematics books. So the kids thought the Rufus did it but he has been sick that day with a cold so it couldnt have been him.So then they think that Caius wrote it to get Rufus in trouble but it is not his handwriting. Thats it

I predict that they will find the culprit who wrote "Caius is a dumbell." Then i was wrong with my other predictions because noone died and noone got lost.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

The school of boys are off on a mystery. They have a chain of the culprit who broke into the school and the books. So they are looking at people who have cloaks that looks like the persons chain.

I predict that the chain will belong to a high powered governor or something because it was pure gold.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield

Right now the boys an Xantippus are discussing the possibilities of the suspects in their secret hideout, which is in a cave under the tree's roots. They think its not Rufus because he was not tall enough to reach the mark on the temple where the words were. They think that the person who did it was tall because the person who stole the writing tablet which had "Caius is a dumbell" was a tall person because the teacher said that he overthrew him badly.
Also they think it isTellus because he was short and fat but the culprit was fat too. So antonius went to tellus' house and tellus got him drunk of wine but little did he know he was not drunk and he stole the cloak with the excact gold chain on which they found in the school house.

I predict that telus did it and he will go to jail.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detetctive in Togas
Henry Winetrfield
pgs186-the ENd

The kids were lead to Lukos' house becaue they saw that Tellus went in there so they followed him. But they got in there and found out that Tellus was not there and Lukos was. So LUkos knew that the kids found out his secret of him having two identities Tellus And Lukos. SO they then hit luos with a chair and try to find a way out but when he awakes he makes a deal with them. If they let him go he will only be tellus and he will wirte that lukos did the temple graffiti and he will be at jail. So they get him to stamp it and as they leave Tellus disapears and Rufus is released. Then all the kids are in school a week later all the kids are back and Xantippus asked Caius a question and he gos "what." Then Xantippus starts laughing and it is weird to the kids because he never laughs then he say you really are a dumbell.

Anonymous said...

Detective in Togas
Henry Winterfield
Character Sketch

My character's name is Mucius Praetorus He is a very smart kid who is trying to get his restless friend out of prison. He is kind of like a detective because he is trying to find out who wrote Caius is a dumbbell on the temple wall. He is very quiet he is quiet as an owl when he does his detective work, and smart as a crook when he tries to pull the mystery together. He is a very strong and tough person yet he is short. He love to eat and he hates school. Togas are the fashion statement of where he is from and from his time period so he wears a normal toga. He loves to swim and he has been swimming ever since he was a baby. Every day he drinks out of the Tiber River and he buys bread from the local bakery with his pocket money of 38 dollars. Mucius’ parent are both very rich his dad is an army general and his mom is a famous farmer so he comes from a very rich family.

mAtt m.

Anonymous said...

Detectives In Togas
Henry Winterfiled

“Who wrote Caius is a dumbbell on the temple wall.” That is the question that everyone was asking when they saw the desecrated temple covered in bright non-removable red ink. Detectives In Togas is one very good book written by Henry Winterfield. Mucius and his 5 friends figure out a mystery to the desecrated temple. They travel all of Greece or just there town to find out who got Rufus sent to jail.

First, this book is placed in the civilization of a small town in Greece. This setting is set perfectly because I got on the author’s website and read about how when Pompeii was not under ashes anymore they found written in Greek “Caius is a dumbbell.” When the discovery was made they found out the writing was in a kids’ format of handwriting. So the author got ideas for this book by the finding more information out and using a part of his imagination.

Next, the main character of this book was Mucius. He was the character who was brave and found more about the mystery. He got locked in Lukos’ tower when his friends cowered down to him because he had snakes. Also to get out of this castle he went on the roof jumped to another roof and he fell into a local bathing area/swimming pool. One of his most important things he did was he hit Lukos with a stool to save his friends. Yet all of his actions were believable enough because all of it seems like it really could happen.

In conclusion, I thought this was a very great book. I enjoyed reading about the mysteries and laughing at the funny things this book had in it. I would recommend this book to a seventh or above grader because I thought it had very big words, and there were words I didn’t understand or I couldn’t pronounce.
