Thursday, February 15, 2007

Madie M. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title: Tusk and Stone
Author: Malcolm Bosse
Pages: 1-33

Summary- So far in this book i have learned, that a boy named Arjun and his sister named Gauri, are heading to Kashi.

Anonymous said...


on their way Arjun wonders into the forest to have a little adventure. After a while he walked into a swamp and all of the sudden, he heard a growling noise and found himself ten feet from tiger. The tiger was feasting on an sambar wich i am guessing is a deer of somesort. On his way back to the caravan he finds a man from the caravan who was lying on the ground dead. Then he hears a scream from a woman at the caravan, so he heads over there and, everyone was under attack by diocots! Arjun was the only one so far that hasn't been killed or kidnapped for slavery. I finished reading where he starts to follow the band of diocots that have his sister Gauri.

Anonymous said...


on their way Arjun wonders into the forest to have a little adventure. After a while he walked into a swamp and all of the sudden, he heard a growling noise and found himself ten feet from tiger. The tiger was feasting on an sambar wich i am guessing is a deer of somesort. On his way back to the caravan he finds a man from the caravan who was lying on the ground dead. Then he hears a scream from a woman at the caravan, so he heads over there and, everyone was under attack by diocots! Arjun was the only one so far that hasn't been killed or kidnapped for slavery. I finished reading where he starts to follow the band of diocots that have his sister Gauri.

Anonymous said...

Title: Tusk and Stone
Author: Malcolm Bosse
Pages: #33-end

After he meets a man on the road he takes Arjun to a farm for some food, but instead he finds that he was druged and taken to an army camp! There he learned how to shoot a bow and arrow, and how to use a sword. A man comes to the camp and calls for any any men who want to become mahouts wich are elephant riders. After he goes through training Arjun gets his own elephant wich he names Gandiva,he and Gandiva fight in many wars, and near the end Gandiva gets killed and Arjun becomes a chisle person.

Conclusion: I conclude that even though I got confused in some part sand had to reread it..... that it was a very good, descriptive and interesting book.

Anonymous said...

Title: Black Horses for the King
Author:Anne McCaffrey
Summary:In the book "Black Horses for the King," A young teenager named Galwyn escapes his tirryant uncle's ship and leaves to tend to the lord Artos's horses for Britian during the Saxon period inbetween 500 A.D. to 1066.
Lord Artos is later known as King Arthur.

PREDICTION: I PREDICT that Galwin will become a warrior for king Artos or he will become a black smith working to make horse shoes for the kings desert horses.

Anonymous said...

Character Scketch:
Alexa Daley is a brave 13 year old, has dark blond colored hair and hazel eyes. Alexa has a pale complection like that of a peach. She is small and frail like a stick but as strong and faithfull as a tree. Alexa always carrys a jocasta stone in a pouch around her neck. She has many animal friends, and like a translator she can talk to them.

Anonymous said...

Title: Black Horses for the King
Author: Anne McCaffrey
Pages: 1-9
Summary: In the book Black Horses for the King a young boy named Galwyn works on his tyrant uncles ship and right now there are warriors on his ship and they are heading to war with the saxons because this story is set during the saxon period.Galwyn becomes friends with lord Artos on the voyage and thats how far i have gotten.

Question- I QUESTION wether or not Galwyn will join the army or run away from his Tyrant Uncles ship and live alone.

Anonymous said...

Title:Black Horses for the King
Author:Anne McCaffrey
this book was about a boy named Galwyn and he ran away from his Uncle to join Lord Artos and his journey to find and raise libyan Horses for an army to beat the Saxons in war in an unforgetable journey

Anonymous said...

Black Horses for the King Madelaine Merrill

The author of Black Horses for the King is Anne McCaffrey. This book is set in Galwyns’ Britain, during the Saxon period, in between 500 A.D. and 1066, near open fields by the ocean. Lots of land, and mountains full of wild life, lush forest full of trees stretch for miles and miles along the land. Along paths in the woods walks a caravan with lord Artos’s ( who is later known as King Arthur) Libyan horses, and Galwyn ,a runaway from his tyrant uncles ship, who is a Tattered young man the age of about 17 that is leading Lord Artos’s most treasured horse named, Cornix

Black Horses for the King is located in southern Galwyn’s Britain, mostly in Deva, and Camelot, about 160 miles apart. Deva is a city full of excitment, and has a population of about 1,000 people. Camelot is a newly built city where Lord Altos gets ready for battle. That is also where new trained Libyan horses from the camp near Deva come to get ready for battle. Camelots walls are very tall and thick enough that a tree couldn’t make it through them. I looked up the cities Deva and Camelot on the internet but I couldn’t find any information on them.

Galwyn Varianus, is a young man of about 17. He has a mother and 2 sisters, one of wich is married. His father died when he was little so his mother is now married to another man. Galwyn is an experienced smith and is good with horses and putting on there Iron sandals( witch were new at the time).Galwyn has done many actions some believable some not, but I shall only explain 2. As I have already said Galwyn used to for his mean uncle, but one morning he had, had, enough of his badgering so he jumped into the water and swam to shore. That is sort of believable but I wouldn’t think that he would be able to swim to shore after an all morning sail back out to sea. My most action of them all was near the end of book where Iswy ( the man who killed Spadix, Galwyn Pony) lunges for Galwyn but dies trying to kill him, right after the battle starts. Now that I can believe, pretty much because Galwyn is strong, and he is the good guy, and Iswy is scrawny

Black Horses for the King by Anne McCaffrey is one of many of my favorite books. You are probably wondering if I really liked the book or am I just saying I do because it’s a school, book review. Well I liked the book very much because it’s full of action, mystery, and historical fiction witch are the things that I like most when I read a book. I believe that you would like the book Black Horses for the King