Thursday, February 15, 2007

Leslie R. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Book:The Wadjet Eye
Author:Jill Rubalcaba
My story starts out a mother of a teenager named,"Damon",dieing in her sons hands.She dies from an unknown disease.She told him earlier that she wanted to be embalmed when she died because she is Egyptian.So Damon has the embalmer come over but he cant do anything because she is infected with a disease.So now Damon's friend is trying to talk him in to embalming her himself.

Anonymous said...

Book:The Wadjet Eye
Author:Jill Rubalcaba

Sorry, forgot to fo my prediction the first time so here it is.

I predict that his friend talked him in to embalming her, so he trys it out.

Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

Book:The Wadjet Eye
Author:Jill Rubalcaba
His friend,"Artemas",talks Damon into embalming his mother by himself.So now he is taking all of the stuff out of her body.

-I predict that Damon is going to give up and try to find some other person to embalm her.
Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

Character Description

My Character’s name is Damon, he is seventeen years old. He is an Egyptian kid. He lives with his mother in Alexandria His father moved when he was a young kid. His mother just died from an unknown disease, she told him before she died that she wanted to be embalmed, but the embalmer won’t embalm her, so he is embalming her himself. Damon is a very smart teenager. He now lives alone in Alexandria, because his mother is now dead. He is a very friendly person he has many friends. His best friends name is Artemas. Damon wears a sheet like cloth covering his waste down. He has short brownish black hair.
Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

Book:The Wadjet Eye
Author:Jill Rubalcaba

After Damon is done embalming his mother, him and his friend,"Artemas", decides that his father should know about his mothers death, so now they are talking to the captain of the ship, so they can go to Spain to see Damon's father.

prediction:I think that when they are on the ship it sinks so some people die.
Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

Book:The Wadjet Eye
author:Jill Rubalcaba
They are on the ship now, and Artemas notices a whirlpool coming their way, so he calls out to the captain, and the captain doesn't believe him so Damon, Artemas, and this little boy jumps off the edge with a plank to float on.

prediction:they all drown in the whirlpool.
Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

Leslie Ross
Book Review
My adventurous book is called, The Wadjet Eye, by Jill Rubalcaba. The main character in my story is Damon. Damon is an intelligent Egyptian teenager. He lives in the hot and exhausting Alexandria, Egypt.
Damon is 16 years old, and he’s an Egyptian kid. He is a genius; he embalmed his own mother, which would be confusing and nasty. He and his best friend, Artemas, travel the Mediterranean Sea to visit Damon’s father in Spain. His father left when he was a little boy. Damon is very friendly and has many friends. I thought that Damon and Artemas visit to Spain made sense, because his father should have the right to know that his wife died, and also I’m sure that Damon would like to see his father again.
The setting of my story is in Alexandria, Egypt. Damon lives by the Mediterranean Sea, where he swims and fishes with his friends. It’s very hot and sunny; I imagine that it is exhausting, living in such a hot place.
I thought that this book was very adventurous, fun and exciting. The sail on the Mediterranean was the adventurous part and when the almost get sucked in by a whirlpool was the exciting part, and every action in this book makes it fun, and enjoyable. I would totally encourage others to read this book, because it was absolutely awesome.
-Leslie Ross

Anonymous said...

book:The wadjet eye
author:Jill Rubalcaba

When they jump off the ship to swim away from the whirlpool, they get surrounded by sharks and the little boy gets eaten up by them. A ship comes and Damon and Artemas wave them over, and now they are saved from the sharks. The ship full of Egyptians is taking them to Spain to visit Damon’s father and Cleopatra.
prediction:I think that the Egyptians arent good people, so they try to kill them.

-Leslie Ross