Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kristyn F. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:A Place in the sun
Author:Jill Rubalcaba

My story so far is about a young boy named Semnut and he lives in a village in ancient egypt his father is dying from a snake bite.

My prediction is that his father will dye.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A place in the sun
Jill Rublaabcuna
Pages 19-24

Now the story is about the village leader is telling Senmuut to listen to his inner voice and try to do the right thing and really try to dowhat the "afterlife" is telling him to do with the stone that his father pounded that was his job: a stone sculpter. This is a very important part is feels like in the story i think this is going to lead to something very big in this story. Stay tunned to find out the real reason why Senmut wants to keep the stone, or is he going ot keep it, or let his father die and be burred with it!

Kribbyn Favaro

Anonymous said...

A place in the sun

The main charater, Senmut is taking all days working on the stone his father always used to use to find inspration for his work. His work is that his father does the villages rock and stone work this was a very important job, this was a honor to be able to be the village scultpter.

P.S if you were wondering, the father is still alive, but barely, he is probably about to die. At least thats what i think!

From: Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

The most importaint part in this book so far is when the father got bit by the big bad COBRA!!! Well, i will keep you up to date on more very important dates and things that happened in my new story!

-Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

Title:A place in the sun
Author:Jill Rubucancuba
Pages:28-? i am not done yet!

Well as you know Semunts father is dying of a snake bite and he is very sick, and he is completly in shock, and the family is doing everything in their powera and they are trying to call the evil spirits to bring the father, Yuf is his name and he wants Semnut to really connect with them to find out what to do with the body, and his true destiny with sculpting with the career.

My straegy is that i want to connect with Semnut, because i have been in a situation where I've had to make a huge dession.

BUH BYE - Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

Title:A Place in the Sun.
Author:Jill Rubucuaba
My story is in a kind of a SLOW part in the village because the whole village is predicting that the father will die and are trying to make arrangments they ARE SOOO BUSY AND STRESSED!

Anonymous said...

Continued: I Predict that the people will get way to stressed.

Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was, A Place in the Sun. It is by, the author, Jill Rubalacaba. This amazing story is about a young teenager who is quite curious. He and his father; Yuf start working in the garden, when his father gets bit by a cobra. This incident plays a major role in a change, in Semnut’s, the main characters life. Since they are both stone sculptors, the two are very close. Semnut has to try in find a way to save his father, Yuf’s life. In the story, at the time, the pharaoh, Ramses the second is the current leader. While trying to save his fathers life, Semnut finds him self in trouble. He goes to the king, or pharaoh, at the time and asks for help with his father and to save his life. And finds him self in much trouble than he bargained for. Before he gets made the royal sculptor, by the king him self.
The author’s prospective on the story, is that in Egypt, around, 332 B.C. that was a time, of many accomplishments and strides. Also, good crops, and main exports. Valley of the kings was an important view point too.

Well, the main character is a young boy named Semnut. Who loves adventures and absolutely hates chores and also loves the yearly parade called, the Opet. Two actions that my character, did, was that well, one is that he was the one that sort of made his father get sick. Also, he when to the king and asked for help and forgiveness from hurting his father, Yuf.

My prospective on the story is that it’s a good lesson on the importants of life, and love and also, family. My favorite part in the book is when he goes to the king and asks for help with his father. It wasn’t good that he got in big trouble, but his emotion and fear was a good part in the book. I defiantly recommend this book for its emotion and wonderful suspense.By:Kristyn aka: Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was, A Place in the Sun. It is by, the author, Jill Rubalacaba. This amazing story is about a young teenager who is quite curious. He and his father; Yuf start working in the garden, when his father gets bit by a cobra. This incident plays a major role in a change, in Semnut’s, the main characters life. Since they are both stone sculptors, the two are very close. Semnut has to try in find a way to save his father, Yuf’s life. In the story, at the time, the pharaoh, Ramses the second is the current leader. While trying to save his fathers life, Semnut finds him self in trouble. He goes to the king, or pharaoh, at the time and asks for help with his father and to save his life. And finds him self in much trouble than he bargained for. Before he gets made the royal sculptor, by the king him self.
The author’s prospective on the story, is that in Egypt, around, 332 B.C. that was a time, of many accomplishments and strides. Also, good crops, and main exports. Valley of the kings was an important view point too.

Well, the main character is a young boy named Semnut. Who loves adventures and absolutely hates chores and also loves the yearly parade called, the Opet. Two actions that my character, did, was that well, one is that he was the one that sort of made his father get sick. Also, he when to the king and asked for help and forgiveness from hurting his father, Yuf.

My prospective on the story is that it’s a good lesson on the importants of life, and love and also, family. My favorite part in the book is when he goes to the king and asks for help with his father. It wasn’t good that he got in big trouble, but his emotion and fear was a good part in the book. I defiantly recommend this book for its emotion and wonderful suspense.By:Kristyn aka: Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was, A Place in the Sun. It is by, the author, Jill Rubalacaba. This amazing story is about a young teenager who is quite curious. He and his father; Yuf start working in the garden, when his father gets bit by a cobra. This incident plays a major role in a change, in Semnut’s, the main characters life. Since they are both stone sculptors, the two are very close. Semnut has to try in find a way to save his father, Yuf’s life. In the story, at the time, the pharaoh, Ramses the second is the current leader. While trying to save his fathers life, Semnut finds him self in trouble. He goes to the king, or pharaoh, at the time and asks for help with his father and to save his life. And finds him self in much trouble than he bargained for. Before he gets made the royal sculptor, by the king him self.
The author’s prospective on the story, is that in Egypt, around, 332 B.C. that was a time, of many accomplishments and strides. Also, good crops, and main exports. Valley of the kings was an important view point too.

Well, the main character is a young boy named Semnut. Who loves adventures and absolutely hates chores and also loves the yearly parade called, the Opet. Two actions that my character, did, was that well, one is that he was the one that sort of made his father get sick. Also, he when to the king and asked for help and forgiveness from hurting his father, Yuf.

My prospective on the story is that it’s a good lesson on the importants of life, and love and also, family. My favorite part in the book is when he goes to the king and asks for help with his father. It wasn’t good that he got in big trouble, but his emotion and fear was a good part in the book. I defiantly recommend this book for its emotion and wonderful suspense.By:Kristyn aka: Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was, A Place in the Sun. It is by, the author, Jill Rubalacaba. This amazing story is about a young teenager who is quite curious. He and his father; Yuf start working in the garden, when his father gets bit by a cobra. This incident plays a major role in a change, in Semnut’s, the main characters life. Since they are both stone sculptors, the two are very close. Semnut has to try in find a way to save his father, Yuf’s life. In the story, at the time, the pharaoh, Ramses the second is the current leader. While trying to save his fathers life, Semnut finds him self in trouble. He goes to the king, or pharaoh, at the time and asks for help with his father and to save his life. And finds him self in much trouble than he bargained for. Before he gets made the royal sculptor, by the king him self.
The author’s prospective on the story, is that in Egypt, around, 332 B.C. that was a time, of many accomplishments and strides. Also, good crops, and main exports. Valley of the kings was an important view point too.

Well, the main character is a young boy named Semnut. Who loves adventures and absolutely hates chores and also loves the yearly parade called, the Opet. Two actions that my character, did, was that well, one is that he was the one that sort of made his father get sick. Also, he when to the king and asked for help and forgiveness from hurting his father, Yuf.

My prospective on the story is that it’s a good lesson on the importants of life, and love and also, family. My favorite part in the book is when he goes to the king and asks for help with his father. It wasn’t good that he got in big trouble, but his emotion and fear was a good part in the book. I defiantly recommend this book for its emotion and wonderful suspense.By:Kristyn aka: Kribbyn Leigh

Anonymous said...

The title of the book I read was, A Place in the Sun. It is by, the author, Jill Rubalacaba. This amazing story is about a young teenager who is quite curious. He and his father; Yuf start working in the garden, when his father gets bit by a cobra. This incident plays a major role in a change, in Semnut’s, the main characters life. Since they are both stone sculptors, the two are very close. Semnut has to try in find a way to save his father, Yuf’s life. In the story, at the time, the pharaoh, Ramses the second is the current leader. While trying to save his fathers life, Semnut finds him self in trouble. He goes to the king, or pharaoh, at the time and asks for help with his father and to save his life. And finds him self in much trouble than he bargained for. Before he gets made the royal sculptor, by the king him self.
The author’s prospective on the story, is that in Egypt, around, 332 B.C. that was a time, of many accomplishments and strides. Also, good crops, and main exports. Valley of the kings was an important view point too.

Well, the main character is a young boy named Semnut. Who loves adventures and absolutely hates chores and also loves the yearly parade called, the Opet. Two actions that my character, did, was that well, one is that he was the one that sort of made his father get sick. Also, he when to the king and asked for help and forgiveness from hurting his father, Yuf.

My prospective on the story is that it’s a good lesson on the importants of life, and love and also, family. My favorite part in the book is when he goes to the king and asks for help with his father. It wasn’t good that he got in big trouble, but his emotion and fear was a good part in the book. I defiantly recommend this book for its emotion and wonderful suspense.By:Kristyn aka: Kribbyn Leigh