Thursday, February 15, 2007

Justin R. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:GILGAMESH the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:My book is about a wild man that got made out of clay by a hithhiker, and came to life!Hunters got mad at this clay wildman because he was ruining and destroying all their traps to catch animals. He was ruining and destroying their traps because the animals were his friends.The hunters wanted him to stop , so they tried to tame him with a beautiful woman. It worked.The beautiful woman took her to the hunters, but what happened was that he got in a fight with one hunter named Gilgamesh.After the fight stoped they miracuously became friends.Then they both wanted to kill Hawuwa,

Anonymous said...

Title:Gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:Gilgamesh said that he would of already have killed Hawuwa,his mortal enemy,if he had the chance.The wild man was scared to fight Hawuwa.Gilgamesh asked the wild man why he was afriad to fight him.The wild man said he was scared of getting killed.Gilgamesh explained to the wild man that Hawuwa was surrounded by strong magic.So if you try to pass in were Hawuwa was the magic surrounding would drain your strength.Finnaly they decided to go kill Hawuwa.They had to pass throgh the land of volcanoes.Also they had to pass through the land of earthquakes.After they passed through the land of earthquakes they sat down and rested.While they sat and rested Gilgamesh fell asleep on the wild man.

I predict when Gilgamesh wakes up they will sucessflly make it to where Hawuwa is.

Anonymous said...

Title:Gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:Gilgamesh finnaly woke up by the wild man pouring water all over his face.Then they went to the Ceadar Forests,were Hawuwa was.Finnaly they found Hawuwa and fought him.Miracuously they defated Hawuwa and won.Then Gilgamesh and the wild man went back to Gilgameshe's homeland.When they got there the goddest of love wanted to marry Gilgamesh,but he said no.He said no because the previous husbands she had they all got to caught up in her beauty and litterely became her slaves.

I predict that the goddest of love will keep on trying to get gilgamesh to marry her.

Anonymous said...

Title:gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:The goddest of love got really mad because Gilgamesh said no to marry her.So she ran all the way to heaven and cried while she dropped to her knees in front of her dad,gods of all gods.The god of all gods demanded her dad yo unlease the bull of heaven to kill Gilgamesh.Her father asked why she wanted to kill the man.She said that he insulted her.Her dad asked what he said.The god of love said that he said all the other husbans i had were all dum for marrying me.Her dad said that you should not unlease the bull of heaven to attack him for telling the truth.The god of love said, then i will let loose all the dead spirits of the underworld.So her dad let her unlease the bull of heaven instead of releasing the dead spirits.So the god of love let the bull of heaven loose in Gilgameshes town.The bull destroyed half the town .Then finnaly the wild man and Gilgamesh both jumped on the bull,and Gilgamesh staved the bull right in the neck.At first the bull stumbled then it fell to the ground dead.The wild man ripped off one of the bulls legs and pointed it into the sky at the goddest of love.Then the father of the goddest of love got mad and said someone must pay for killing the bull of heaven.The goddest of love told her dad that Gilgamesh killed Hawuwa too.And the wild man cut the tallest tree in the forest.Then the dad of the goddest of love was furious.Then when the wild man went to sleep that day he had a dream that either he or Gilgamesh was going to die.Then the wild man woke up and started running and shouting tords Gilgamesh but the only thing he shouted for some strange reason was the wild man must die!

I predict that either the wild man or Gilgamesh will die soon in the story.

Anonymous said...

Title:Gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:Gilgamesh told the wildman that he only had a bad dream because he was prabably sick.The next day the wildman was so weak that he could noy sit up.Gilgamesh told the wildman to get well.Then Gilgamesh told the wildman that he would go to the temple to pray for him to get better.So he went to the temle and praid ffor the wildman to get better.When he was done he went back to where the wildman was ,but it was to late,the wildman had died.Gilgamesh was so sad when he saw his friend sitting dead on the floor.Gilgamesh was sos sad that he sat by his friend and cried for seven days straight.Then on the eight day he stoped because he knew that crying was not going to bring his friend back.Then Gilgamesh got up and walked out of the house where his friend laid dead.Then Gilgamesh went to his mom's house and told her everything.Then he told his mom he was going to look for the secret.His mom asked what secret.Gilgamesh said the secret of immortality.So he went to search for it.Every day he went father out of his town looking for the secret.And every day seemed hotter and hotter.Then he thought where he might find it.So he had to pass through the gate out of his town.But it is going to be hard because the gate is gaurded by scorpionman and scropionwoman.

Anonymous said...


My character 's name is Gilgamesh.He is a big,strong,and muscular man.He is also a gentle,caring and thoughtful man too.When he wants to he can be an evil and fierce day he heard that his friend died and he cried like it was raining for 7 days.My character has curly brown hair.Just like i did.My character had to travel through 12 leagues of darkness.He had to because he wanted to get the secret of immortality.When my character went through the 12 leagues of darkness,he said that the darkness was literally making his skin get wrinkly and come off.When his skin was was coming off ,it was like an orange being peeled.

Anonymous said...

Title:Gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:When Gilgamesh got to the gate, that was guarded by scorpions,
he said that their heads were helmeted with smooth black scales.He told the scorpions that he wanted to pass to go see utnapishtim. They said go ahead, it's your life your risking.So he passed the gate.Then he saw darkness,and he know what it was.It was the 12 leagues of darkness. It took about 7 days to get all the way through the 12 leagues of darkness.Then he finally saw a light as small a a thumb tick,and started running tords it.And finally he was in daylight again.Then he saw the ferryman, who was the only man who got to go where utnapishtim was. So Gilgamesh demanded the ferryman to take him to him.The ferryman asked why.Gilgamesh told him ,to know the secret of immortality.The ferryman told him that he is not going to tell you.But anyways the ferryman took him to him.And exactly what the ferryman said happened.But utnapishtim told him that there was a plant that would make a hundred old men young again.So Gilgamesh went and got the plant that utnapishtim told him about.

I think that Gilgamesh will share the plant that he got with his people.

Anonymous said...

Title:Gilgamesh the hero
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Summary:After Gilgamesh got the plant he went to an island to freshen up.So when he was washing up he sat the plant on a rock.Then when he looked back ot see if the plant was o.k. a snake had eaten it. Gilgamesh went down in tears.After he cried he went home to his town.Everybody was exited to see him but he was not happy with hiself.Then Gilgamesh wanted to live his life happy so he got married and had a son.Then he named his son prince Enkidu.And Gilgamesh was more popular than any of the gods.

I can not predict anything because I have read the whole book.

Anonymous said...

McCughrean,Geraldine.Gilgamesh the Hero.David Parkins,Uruk, 2002.

The author of my book is Geraldine McCaughrean.The title of my book is called Gilgamesh the Hero.Where my book takes place is when the United States had kings and queens.My main character's name is Gilgamesh.

The author's description of the civilization in the book is when there was kings.Another description of the author is when we had queens and princesses.The next description of the author is when we had princes.Another description is when people had to write messages on stone tablets.The last description is when the world had gods,goddesses,and immortals.

An action of my character is when he killed the bull of heaven.Another action is when he cut down the tallest and thickest tree in the Cedar Forest.The first action,when he killed the bull of heaven,is probably not believable.
But the second action,when he cut down the tree,is very very believable.

In conclusion, my opinion about the book is that it is very exciting and adventurous.It is exciting because he had to travel to get a plant of life!It is adventurous because he went to look for the secret of immortality.I liked this book becauseit is one of the few books that did not make me fall asleep.