Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anna R. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 1-19

This book starts out when Hong's friend is challenged to a cricket fight, but he doesn't have any crickets for fighting so Hong goes in for his friend to fight the opponents bugs.

I think that Hong will beat the opponent.

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcom Bosse
Pages Read 29-39

After the battle Hong goes to get his crickets burried, he comes home and won't give any moey to his father. Hong knew that his dad would spend the money on drugs and would come asking for more. Later Chen is asked to come to an examination in Beijing. So when Chen says that Hong should give money to his father Hong says he's not spending any money because he wants to spend it all on Chen's scholarship.

I think that Chen will be able to go to Beijing with the help of his brother.

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 30-65

When Chen was invited to come to Beijing, he had to do a bit of testing. Chen had to be on a list in order to go to Beijing. Hong is then visited by the retired soldier and he tells Hong that he needs to take his brother to Beijing because their father has dishonored the family name by drinking. Then without warning Hong throws 9-10 silver coins in his fathers lap, bitting himself on the lip to hold back the tears.

Will Chen and Hong's father allow them to go to Beijing?

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 65-114

When Chen and Hong get to Chendu, Chen goes to the banner that has Tianquan District posted on it. He is then set to the Hao Shi 15A. Hao Shi 15A's roof was broke so water would drip on him to get him wet. Hong takes the letter to find out who it belongs to. Hong takes it to a Barber Shop where a man named Ye Pan is the one who needs the letter. Hong then asks to become part of the White Locus where Ye Pan teaches him. Chen is then drawn to the Hao Shi 22B for testing. Chen is then the 1st person to finish his tests everyday. When the sheets are up Chen is on the top 5 in fifth place.

Will Chen make it to Beijing?

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 115-142

When the 2 brothers leave to the next town with the next pack of examinations Hong and Chen arrive at a small town where a Chinese festival is happening. There Chen falls for a girl named Weijun and he marries her. Then Hong decides that Chen should hurry to his next exminations. To get there the 2 brothers get aboard a ship called the Floating Lily & they both go down the Yangtze river. There toe boys bring good luck by seeing the Goddess Peak, a stone pillar that stood on the tallest mountain peak in the distance. In the distance it is said to resemble the youngest of the 12 fairies.

Will the boys make it to their destination?

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 143-183

In the Eastern sea Hong and Chen are captured by pirates who take Chen to the King Who Purges the Seas while Hong is taken to the ships hull where Hong meets a boy named Yao. Yao is a spy for both the pirates and the White Lotus. There Hong is sentenced to the 1,000 Cuts where Yao helps Hong escape from the ship. while escaping Yao is caught and sentenced to the 1,000 Cuts himself. Hong then wakes up in a farm by a young girl who goes to get her older sister to take him to the stables. The girls' mother then asks the girls where they have been going when they have no work. Hong then leaves in the night with a bag of cooked rice given to him by the 2 girls & he stubbles across the army where he gives a letter to Commander Ma.

Will Hong see Chen or Yao again?

Anonymous said...

The Examination
By Malcolm Bosse
Pages Read 183-236

When Chen and Hong are reunited the boys go to a town where Chen meets this pretty girl and falls in love, but her father gets jealous of every boy who sees her. Hong then thinks that Chen has a spell cast on him so he goes to a seer where she calls the ghost of Hong's mother to talk to her. She tells Hong that Chen must go to Beijing.

Will Hong convince his brother to go to Beijing?

Anonymous said...

Bosse, Malcolm. The Examination. Farrar, Straus, & Giroux. New York. C1994.

The Examination by Malcolm Bosse is about 2 brothers named Chen & Hong who need to get to Beijing, China.

In 16th century China in a small village southwest of Beijing 2 boys must go from their small village to the great city of Beijing. During the Ming Dynasty the brothers cross through many towns & through a majestic canyon by a little boat to get to Beijing.

Chen the older brother is known to be a flowering talent & he is asked to come to Beijing. His younger brother Hong is known to be a cricket fighter & he wins a cricket fight against a wealthy landowner and earns 3 small silver bars and a few copper coins. After that Hong and Chen prepare for a journey to Beijing. The brothers say their goodbyes to the people they love & head to their destination. Along the way the 2 brothers come across pirates, pretty girls, and a secret organization known as the White Lotus. Chen passes all of his exams & Hong gets into the White Lotus & delivers letters to the elders or generals.

This book was an amazing book. I liked the book because it shows how 2 brothers who are very different must work together to overcome the trials that lay ahead of them.